Monday, April 27, 2009

Last post and question

Hello everyone,
Congratulations on all your blogging! You've done a great job with all your questions and answers as well as with increasing your digital literacy. There have been almost 400 total postings so far. Over the the length of the assignment many of you really put a lot of effort into writing creative questions and thoughtful answers. You should feel proud of your hard work. This will be our last blog question so make it a good one.

My final question is; What have you learned about yourself, your classmates or technology during this blogging project?


Sunday, April 19, 2009

Question Seven

A useful way for teachers to utilize blogs is by providing out-of-class information for students. Students can check the blog for addtional information on what they learned in class, extra homework assignments or reminders. For example, I could suggest that you could check out Life in the USA, a website about American culture as a follow-up to unit 5 in our textbook. I could also remind you that next week is our last week so don't forget to write your last two questions and responses on your blog.

My question this week is: How would you describe Korean culture to someone you might meet on your trip to America?


Sunday, April 12, 2009

Question six

One popular use of blogs is to discuss 'hot' topics. The topics can come from the news or from your social group. This can be used in classrooms as a way for everyone to express their opinion about something in a clear and fair way. For some students, it's difficult to say what they mean in public but they feel safe writing in a blog comment. For this blog post, I'll ask what you think about a news story.

The Korea Times reports Spending on Tutoring Tops $14 Billion in 2008. Is it harmful or beneficial for students to be getting this much tutoring?


Sunday, April 5, 2009

Question Five

One of the great features of blogging is that it can be in many formats. Many blogs are written texts like ours but many others are in audio (podcast) or video (vlog) format. Some blogs use all three formats.

Podcasting is similar to free radio on the internet but it's free and it's produced by people like you and me. If you've seen the KNUE Podcast, you'll know that podcast or audio blog might have a player like this. Click the play button to hear a message from Nicole

Take a look at a couple of these podcast sites to see how podcasts can be used for entertainment or education.

DonGenova (A podcast about food)
Classic Poetry Aloud (A podcast of classic poetry)
The Technology Teacher (A podcast about teaching with technology)
Yoga (A podcast about yoga)
Seoul Podcast (A podcast about Seoul, Korea)
Food Wishes (Vlog of cooking)
ESLpod (An ESL Podcast)
Mrs Gamache's Kinderplayer Podcast (A podcast with kindergarten
Jenny's school blog (A high school student's educational podcast)
LIS 460 School Podcast (A teacher produced podcast for her class)
WaySmarter (A podcast about culture and history for students)

My question this week is: How could you use blogs or podcasts for your students?
